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Veterinary Dentistry

Our dental services for dogs, cats and rabbits include dental care advice, dental health checks and dental surgery.

Keeping your pet’s teeth healthy

Dental health checks are an important part of your pet’s routine care to help prevent gum disease, abscesses and tooth loss. Our veterinary team will advise on preventive dental care for small animals including brushing with a pet-specific toothpaste, diets, chews or supplements. We may also provide specific feeding advice – for instance rabbits should always be fed hay to help keep their teeth healthy.


Our dental services for dogs and cats will comprise of a general anaesthetic and surgical procedures such as teeth cleaning, descaling and extractions. Rabbits may also need to be anaesthetised to trim overgrown teeth, which can otherwise prevent them from eating.


We use equipment designed for use in small pets including ultrasonic dental descalers, drills and polishers.


Our veterinary nurses can provide advice on regular routine care, including nutrition, tooth brushing, cleaning techniques and more.


It’s not unusual for pets to recover so well from dental treatment that they act ‘like a puppy/ kitten again’. This suggests that dental disease can have a very debilitating effect on pets over a long period of time. So please do book an appointment for a dental health check for your pet or contact us for more information about dental care.

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