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‘Scientists from the British Pest Control Association are predicting an ‘explosion’ of flea activity in UK homes over the next few weeks, as the temperature and humidity rates are set to reach the ideal climate for fleas to awaken and breed’ report the Daily Mail.

Flea numbers have increased over the last few years due to the milder winters, and the warm summer months give fleas the ideal conditions to emerge from their dormant state and start biting your pets (and even you). Up to 95% of a flea infestation exists in immature stages in our carpets and furnishings. They can stay dormant for a long time as eggs, larvae or pupae, and are waiting for the presence of a host (dog, cat or human) and higher temperatures to hatch. Fleas mature in 18 days and under the right conditions one flea can turn into 125,000 within 8 weeks.

Not only are they prolific breeders but they can bite a pet or human up to 400 times and can drink up to 15 times their bodyweight in a single day. A pretty miserable prospect for any pet that has fleas!Not only can fleas make life uncomfortable for our pets but they can cause allergies, carry tapeworm eggs and, in severe cases, cause anaemia.

So how can we stop these pesky creatures from taking hold on our pets and in our homes? Treat your pet with an effective medication. Monthly spot-on treatments are the most commonly used method of controlling fleas on our pets. However, there is a relatively new product on the market, a tablet which kills fleas very quickly and, therefore, reduces the number of bites a flea can give before it dies. Veterinary prescription products are much more effective than over-the-counter medications. Vets are given the most up to date technology to fight common diseases and parasites.

Treat the environment with a larvicidal spray. These sprays will stop eggs from hatching and reinfecting our pets. The most effective products will last 1 year and prove invaluable in our fight against the flea!

So lets work together and stop our cats and dogs having a miserable summer. Call the practice for advice or arrange a free Flea Health Check with one of our nurses.



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Aquarius Veterinary Centre
Field Road, Mildenhall,
IP28 7AL

Tel: 01638 717871  

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